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VITLAB® PP Empty Tip Rack/Box, 96-Wells & Hinged Lid, Color-coded Mounting Plate, for 20~1000㎕ Tips<br>Ideal for BRAND & VITLAB Tips, Two Functions Lid of Hinge and Snap-on, Autoclavable at 121℃, <Germany-Made> 피펫터 팁용 공박스 VITLAB® PP Empty Tip Rack/Box, 96-Wells & Hinged Lid, Color-coded Mounting Plate, for 20~1000㎕ Tips<br>Ideal for BRAND & VITLAB Tips, Two Functions Lid of Hinge and Snap-on, Autoclavable at 121℃, <Germany-Made> 피펫터 팁용 공박스